

Distributed Hydrogen production in a Compact Advanced Reformer for Biogas valorization

The HyCAReBio objective is to develop and validate on a prototype level, at TRL 5, an energy and cost efficient novel process technology for a decarbonised energy system based on distributed hydrogen production from untreated biogas as renewable resource integrable with fuel cells. The technology facilitates the reduction of dependence on fossil fuels, helping to revitalize the clean energy market and increase the share of renewables. An innovative fuel processor concept will be realised, based on an autothermal reforming reactor fed with untreated biogas, followed by a water gas shift stage and a final hydrogen purification step. The overall system is characterised by a smart heat integration and recovery and use of next generation structured catalysts with optimized formulation and mass and heat transfer properties, in order to make the overall system completely thermally sustained, with an overall energy efficiency above 80%. The compact prototype will be validated on performance and robustness for a period up to 4,500 hours in relevant industrial environment, in order to check the overall system lifetime and resistance to frequent start-up and shutdown cycles. The coupling with final purification systems will guarantee a high purity hydrogen stream (≥ 99.9%). Further, a particular design and control of the autothermal reforming reactor will provide for an optimized fuel processor modularity, saving in terms of size and weight, balance of plant (BoP) components and overall costs for maintenance and operation, and ensuring operation in stand-alone mode An in-depth life-cycle analysis will assess the industrial implications of the accelerated implementation of the HyCAReBio technology.

HyCAReBio brings together a balanced consortium from leading universities, innovative large industries and SME, and advanced research centres. Together, the experience of this consortium is of world class and capable to address the objectives that form the core of HyCAReBio.


HORIZON 2020 – FCH JU 2016


  • Kinetics Technologies Spa
  • Atena scarl
  • SOL Spa
  • Arvis environmental enterprises of Greece SA
  • Technion – Israel Institute of Technology
  • EBZ Entwicklungs- und Vertriebsgesellschaft Brennstoffzelle mbH
  • Etniko Kentro Erevnas Kai Technologiks Anaptyxis
  • Universitatea Ovidius Constanta




Viale Castello della Magliana, 75 – Rome

European Fuel Cells and Hydrogen 2025 is coming Capri, 17th-19th September SITO UFFICIALE