Atena FT

Atena FT

Atena Future Technology

The main objective of the project is to support the internationalization of the technological chain based on innovative systems and technologies for high efficiency low environmental impact polygeneration, which combine the objective of primary energy savings and the promotion of renewable sources with mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions through complex energy systems. Among the innovative technologies for cogeneration-polygeneration of energy (electric, thermal and cooling) and for mobile and transportable applications, those based on fuel cells will also be used.
The project aims at defining an internationalization strategy, which allows ATENA Scarl to project itself on foreign markets, to start internationalization paths that look at neighboring markets as potential future markets. The activities that ATENA Scarl has started and intends to carry on focus on the enhancement of existing laboratories, research facilities and members’ assets framing their activities in a network of trans-national collaboration, and in particular they concern:
• coordination of an international research network which can be joined at any time by national-foreign bodies, such as those operating in Campania;
• coordination of companies and international bodies;
• implementation of networking processes in the area of ​​technology transfer in the energy sector;
• coordination of research strands born of local authorities;
• sharing of scientific knowledge and activation of projects envisaged in Horizon 2020;
• participation in community projects with the aim of self-financing research activities over time and stabilizing the results;
• participation and organization of international events;
• organization of on-site road shows for foreign partners;
• organization of advertising campaigns abroad in press, radio and television;
• promotion of the brand of specific production chains.
ATENA Scarl intends to establish collaborations with some of the major international players, who have leading knowledge and skills and / or who are investing in technology. The constituents ATENA Scarl have already established partnerships with: KTH (Sweden), CEA (France), TUDELFT (Netherlands), Austrian Institute of Technology (Austria), ECN (Energy research Center of the Netherlands, Netherlands), FZJ (Forschungszentrum Jülich , Germany), VTT (Technical Research Center of Finland, Finland), DOE – NETL (Department of Energy – National Energy Technology Laboratory, USA), NEDO (New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization, Japan), KIST – Korea Institute of Science and Technology (South Korea).


  • Type of projects: R&D
  • Timing: 01.07.2018/30.06.2019
  • Budget: 186.971,00


Campania POR 2017 StartUp


Atena scarl




Atena Research Center – via Vicinale Visconti, 77, Naples

European Fuel Cells and Hydrogen 2025 is coming Capri, 17th-19th September SITO UFFICIALE