05 May Eopsin
Eopsin – New, highly innOvative Technology for CO2 CaPture Applications based on porouS membranes Impregnated by liquid carboNates
The objective of the proposal is the development of high–potential novel technology for post–combustion CO2 capture.
Research follow new paths leading to highly innovative technologies and materials for CO2 capture applications with the potential for real breakthroughs. This include systems based on Solid Membranes Impregnated by Liquid carbonates (SMILE). Environmentally benign technology be pursued and their environmental impact addressed in the project also in view of future scaling up. Project includes prototype testing under industrially relevant conditions. With a view to promoting international cooperation with South Korea, initiatives for collaboration between the EU project and Korean (Hanbat National University) partner will be based of mutual benefit and reciprocity. Specific budget is allocated in the EU project for pursuing such twinning activities (exchange of information, exchange of researchers). SMILE are based on high–performance materials for optimizing CO2 capture and require adequate knowledge and experience on nanotechnologies, advanced materials, and advanced manufacturing, as the result of the project will be capitalising on promising material solutions for the next generation CO2 capture technologies.
Goal of EOPSIN is to accelerate, by an innovative way, the development of the technologies of most promising CO2 capture concepts by successful testing in a separate way at laboratory scale, through a rapid scaling up involving tests in substantially prototype scale. To this aim, taking advantage from these background experiences, EOPSIN will experimentally validate a CCS system exploiting the capability of SMILE of operating as “active” concentrators of CO2 for a subsequent, final capture by integration of proper separation devices which requirements can be strongly simplified.
A key step of the EOPSIN project is intensive use of the existing knowledge and experience with Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell developed for distributed energy generation. The technology is at the pre-market stage but ready, and through some proper refinements, it can be applied for experimental activities on “active” CCS at prototype level.
New, highly innovative technology for CO2 capture applications based on porouS Membranes Impregnated by Liquid carbonatEs
- Type of project: RIA
- Timing:
- Budget:
Atena scarl
Atena Research Center