MHYMOST – Metal Hydrides-based hYdrogen storage for MObile and STationary applications

Hydrogen as an energy vector is a promising option in the pursuit of carbon neutrality in the transportsector. However, the storage of hydrogen is one of the most critical issue that must be addressed. The goal of this project is to develop a new hydrogen storage system solution based on metal hydrides, for both mobile and stationary applications. Specifically, the project will focus on finding the optimal design and configuration of the storage system that, along with an advanced integrated thermal management approach, will represent an efficient, cost-effective and safe technical solution.

To this aim, MHyMOST will rely on a modular design methodology, to allow the new hydrogen storage solution to be implemented in both, vehicles of different kind and final use, and refueling stations. Examples of vehicles that may benefit from the proposed technology are: passenger cars and buses for transport in urban areas, industrial vehicles for material handling, such as forklifts or heavy-duty tractors
for logistics, and vessels in the context of maritime mobility. As one of the major goal of the project, the integration of the new technology in refueling station will also guarantee short refueling times.

Specific focus of MHyMOST is the maritime and port sector, where the diversification of energy sources and the improvement of energy efficiency are the two main challenges of the coming years. In this sense, by implementing advanced energy technologies based on the use of hydrogen, the project will promote the sustainable development of this sector and the growth of a green economy. Ambition of MHyMOST is to boost the use of hydrogen as a fuel in maritime transportation and in port areas and to demonstrate the viability of hydrogen technologies in real applications.

The project will be conducted by means of experimental procedures and numerical modeling, for innovative metal hydride tanks for hydrogen storage, with high energy density, and with advanced absorption/desorption characteristics. In particular, two prototypes will be developed and tested in both lab and real environment: the first prototype will be a module of a large-size storage system for stationary applications, with total hydrogen capacity of around 500 kg. The second prototype will instead consist in a hybrid system made of a metal hydride tank with integrated battery pack for use onboard of fuel cell electric vehicles.


  • Type of project: R&D
  • Timing: 2022 > 2023
  • Project Budget: 2.000.000,00



Cantieri del Mediterraneo SpA






Centro Ricerche Atena

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European Fuel Cells and Hydrogen 2025 is coming Capri, 17th-19th September SITO UFFICIALE