Competitive European calls

ALRIGH2T Airport-Level DemonstRatIon of Ground refuelling of Liquid Hydrogen for AviaTion...

Smart pusher-barge concept for flexible short sea shipping...

Urban Innovation for the Smart Energy Generation, Efficiency and Consumption...

Clean Sailing with Organic Liquid Hydrogen for Ultra-Efficient Maritime Transport...

Zero-Emission Civitavecchia Port trough a green HydRogen ecosystem...

Sardinia Hydrogen ecosystem on Zero-emission Renewable Energy...

Clean shipYARds for reducing pollutant emissions and increasing efficiency in urban areas, LIFE 2018...

nEw, highly innOvative Technology for CO2 CaPture Applications based on porouS membranes Impregnated by liquid carboNates – EU-HORIZON 2020–LCE-2016/2017-RIA...

INtegrated systems for CO2 sequestration combining agroindustrial wastewater tREatment, energy and vAluable compoundS rEcovery – call BIOTEC-05-2017...

Distributed Hydrogen production in a Compact Advanced Reformer for Biogas valorization – Call FCH JU 2016...

European Fuel Cells and Hydrogen 2025 is coming Capri, 17th-19th September SITO UFFICIALE