

Atena is engaged in dissemination and exploitation activities in order to inform people on advances in the research.

Dissemination is addressed to share research results with potential users – peers in the research field, industry, other commercial players and policymakers.

Exploitation is addressed to make possible the use of results for commercial purposes or in community policymaking.

European Fuel Cell | Distretto Atena Future Technology

The EFC aims to to bring together academia, research world, industry, public sector to exchange and share their experiences and research results on all aspects of Hydrogen and Fuel Cells technologies and clean energy.


It also provides a premier interdisciplinary platform for researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns as well as practical challenges encountered and solutions adopted in the fields of Hydrogen and Fuel Cells technologies and clean energy.

Other events

  • European Fuel Cell technology & Application 2019...

  • December 9-11, 2019 – Hotel Royal Continental, Naples The 8th European Fuel Cell Technology & Applications Piero Lunghi Conference – EFC19, aims to to bring together academia, research world, industry, public sector to exchange and share their experiences and research......

  • Atena with Manuport was present at the seventh edition of GIS, the only Italian fair dedicated to the operators of lifting, handling and exceptional transport. The event that took place at the Piacenza Expo expo center from 3 to 5......

  • Rome, 16 October 2019 – The two day forum dedicated to the future of the Italian energy systems begins today. The forum is organised by Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (CDP), Snam and Terna. Institutions, companies, associations and stakeholders are participating in......

  •  ...

  • L’IEA – International Energy Agency – è un’organizzazione autonoma che lavora per assicurare energia affidabile, accessibile e pulita....

  • Smau – attraverso una intensa programmazione di eventi sul territorio – supporta le aziende ed i professionisti nel soddisfare il fabbisogno di innovazione favorendo l’incontro con i fornitori di soluzioni digitali....

  • L'edizione Smau Napoli ha visto protagonisti imprese, e prime tra tutte,  quelle appartenenti ai settori dell'industria, dell'innovazione tecnologica, delle soluzioni sostenibili nei settori ambiente ed energia. Tra queste Atena ha ottenuto importanti riconoscimenti. ...

  • Futuro Remoto è la prima manifestazione di diffusione della cultura scientifica e tecnologica in Italia....

  • Maker Faire è il più importante spettacolo al mondo sull’innovazione, un evento family-friendly ricco di invenzioni e creatività....

  • Italy-China Science, Technology & Innovation Week 2016 dedicata all’Italy-China Innovation Forum, il più grande evento europeo di networking e business matching....

  • La Borsa del Placement è l’iniziativa di raccordo tra università ed imprese organizzata annualmente dalla Fondazione Emblema....

European Fuel Cell 2023 is coming Capri, 13-15 settembre SITO UFFICIALE