News & Media

Implementing fuel cell and hydrogen technologies in ports, Call H2020-JTI-FCH-2018-1...

nEw, highly innOvative Technology for CO2 CaPture Applications based on porouS membranes Impregnated by liquid carboNates – EU-HORIZON 2020–LCE-2016/2017-RIA...

INtegrated systems for CO2 sequestration combining agroindustrial wastewater tREatment, energy and vAluable compoundS rEcovery – call BIOTEC-05-2017...

Distributed Hydrogen production in a Compact Advanced Reformer for Biogas valorization – Call FCH JU 2016...

BioElectrochemical Systems (BESs) Technology for energy and valuable compounds REcoverythroUgh a comprehensive approach – H2020-WASTE-2014-2015...

Sustainable Mobility with Hydrogen powered bicycle – Call LIFE ENV 2015 ...

Atena Future Technology, Bando Campania POR2017 Startup Innovativa ...

ET-NET Emerging energy Technologies for international NETworks ...

Sviluppo di Reti Lunghe per la Ricerca e l’innovazione delle Filiere Tecnologiche Campane...

European Fuel Cell 2023 is coming Capri, 13-15 settembre SITO UFFICIALE