
Sviluppo di tecnologie innovative per la riduzione dell’inquinamento e dei consumi energetici di aziende agro zootecniche mediante la valorizzazione e la trasformazione avanzata degli scarti e dei reflui MISE-CRESO PON 2014-2020...

AUTOTHERMAL HYGEN - Distributed hydrogen generation from biogas using auto-thermal system - IT-MISE-PON2016-R&D...

SMart Innovative Technology for pitch and roll control devices on High Speed Vessels - IT-MISE-PON2016-R&D...

Sustainable Systems and Technologies for clean&green energy conversion - IT-MIUR-PON2010-03PE_00157_1-R&D ...

Zero Emission Public Transport TEChnologies, PON 2014/2020 ...

Advanced trigenerative systems based on thermal renewables, Bando MIUR PON 2014/2020 ...

Advanced clean technology as core-unit for Energy Storage, EV-Recharging and Trigeneration - IT-MIUR-PON2017-R&D...

FORmation flying of CubEsat assemblies for remote sensing ...

Next generation biofuels and sustainable supply chains - MIUR PON 2014/2020...

Fuel Cell Lab: High Efficiency Systems and Technologies - IT-MIUR-PON2010-03PE_00109_1-R&D...

European Fuel Cell 2023 is coming Capri, 13-15 settembre SITO UFFICIALE